Sent: 10/3/2018 2:17:37 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: CityStPaul- File #: RES 18-1560 ExcessiveConsumptionpf27SharonAnderson697SurreyAnswer/crossFormalComplaint vs.TomPerez,MuslinKeithEllisonetal
City of Saint Paul - File #: RES 18-1560 ExcessiveConsumptionpf27SharonAnderson697SurreyAnswer/crossRICOMTREASON
Titles amended 18 U.S.C.: Crimes and Criminal Procedure U.S.C.sections created 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968
QUITAM RELATOR MRS. SHARON ANDERSON AKA SCARRELLA On the Graves of Tenants in Common and Murder of Sharons 2n Husband Cpl James R. Anderson Korean Vet suffered Major PTSD HARD CORE Alcoholic.
Comes now in Good faith, Loyal Donald Trump Supporter, mandates Criminal Complaints vs. DFL Chair Tom Perez, V Chair Muslin Keith Ellison,all others similarily situated.
SUMMARY Lawyers board should have notified the Police,
COMPLAINT FORMComplainant Name, Address and Phone NumbersComplainant 1:
Mrs. Sharon L Anderson697 Surrey AveSt.Paul, MN 55106Email: sharon4anderson@aol.comHome Phone: (651) 776-5835Respondent Name, Address and Phone NumberKeith Ellison1312 Broadwalk AveMpls, MN 55411Phone: (962) 529-6933Additional InformationRelationship to Lawyer: OtherIf you are someone other than the client, what is your connection to the lawyer?Complaint:Techinally Keith, Muslin since age 19 is using his Congressional Office and Candidate Office of AG to Act at War with President Donald Trump, and the Office of President of USA. contrary to Separation of Powers Doctrine. In Affiants Humble Opinion Keith is inciting Violence, committing Treason using his Lawyers License, also did Swanson and Keith acting with Perez using DFL TO DESTROY ENDORSEMENTS for their pecuniary gain?
Keiths Testimony he will not give up V DFL Chair, apparantly Complicit with Chair Tom Perez to Committ Fraud,Bribery, on the State of MNand USSC-10-1032 Titled Magner vs. Gallagher
In early February 2012, Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez made a secret deal behind closed doors with St. Paul, Minnesota, Mayor Christopher Coleman and St. Paul’s
outside counsel, David Lillehaug. Perez agreed to commit the Department of Justice to declining
intervention in a False Claims Act qui tam complaint filed by whistleblower Fredrick Newell
against the City of St. Paul, as well as a second qui tam complaint pending against the City, in
exchange for the City’s commitment to withdraw its appeal in Magner v. Gallagher from the
Supreme Court,an appeal involving the validity of disparate impact claims under the Fair
Housing Act. Perez sought, facilitated, and consummated this deal because he feared that the
Court would find disparate impact unsupported by the text of the Fair Housing Act.Calling disparate impact theory the “lynchpin” of civil rights enforcement, Perez simply could not allow the Court to rule.Perez sought leverage to stop the City from pressing its appeal. His search led< br />him to David Lillehaug and then to Newell’s lawsuit against the City.
Fredrick Newell, a minister and small-business owner in St. Paul, had spent almost a decade working to improve economic opportunities for low-income residents in his community.
In 2009, Newell filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that the City of St. Paul had received tens of millions of dollars of community development funds, including stimulus funding, by
improperly certifying its compliance with federal law.By November 2011, Newell had spent
over two years discussing his case with career attorneys in the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota, and the Civil Fraud Section within the
Justice Department’s Civil Division.These three entities, which had each invested a substantial
amount of time and resources into Newell’s case, regarded this as a strong case potentially worth
as much as $200 million for taxpayers and recommended that the federal government join the suit.These career attorneys even went so far as to prepare a formal memorandum recommending intervention, calling St. Paul’s actions a “particularly egregious example of false certifications.”
All this work was for naught. In late November 2011, Lillehaug made PerezAre you submitting documents with this complaint? NoDocuments submitted by mail must be received within 7 days to be considered part of the complaint. If this Office does not receive accompanying documents, your complaint may be considered based solely on the information contained in this complaint form.Dated: 7/9/2018Additional information and documents must be mailed to:Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility
1500 Landmark Towers
345 St. Peter Street
St. Paul, MN 55102
Sharon is not a Liar or Lawyer, with 97K Votes in AG Primary, spending and raising no Money is outraged that the Inequities of Domestic Abuse by Muslin Keith Ellison v. Karen Monahan Amy Alexander has not been prosecuted,
a. Character of HonJudge Brett Kavanaugh is at Risk.
by a very sick Woman Christine Basley aka Mrs. Russell Ford. and her now 6 Lawyers.
Michael Bromwich, Debra Katz with Tys to George Soros etc. Orin Hatch is questioning Bromwich and a very sick Vunerable Christine Basley aka Mrs. Russell Ford.
Wed,3Oct,2018Legal Notice to St. Paul,MN Police Chief Todd Axtell, Ramsey co.Attorney John Choi,Chris Tolbert, Counsel and Henn.Asst Attry,State Attorney Lori Swanson all DFL.Sharon with Standing re;, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (No. 1:12-cv-01785)) on November 2, 2012, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to force compliance with an April 4, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents relating to possible collusion between the Obama administration and the city of St. Paul, MN, in withdrawing a “disparate impact” appeal pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. HUD has refused all JW FOIA requests for public records, even after JW paid in advance for the information.DOJ’S QUID PRO QUO WITH ST. PAUL: HOW ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL THOMAS PEREZ MANIPULATED JUSTICE AND IGNORED THE RULE OF LAW Joint Staff Report United States Congress 113th Congress April 15, 201Executive Summary In early February 2012, Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez made a secret deal behind closed doors with St. Paul, Minnesota, Mayor Christopher Coleman and St. Paul’s outside counsel, David Lillehaug. Perez agreed to commit the Department of Justice to declining intervention in a False Claims Act qui tam complaint filed by whistleblower Fredrick Newell against the City of St. Paul, as well as a second qui tam complaint pending against the City, in exchange for the City’s commitment to withdraw its appeal in Magner v. Gallagher from the Supreme Court, an appeal involving the validity of disparate impact claims under the Fair Housing Act. Perez sought, facilitated, and consummated this deal because he feared that the Court would find disparate impact unsupported by the text of the Fair Housing Act. Calling disparate impact theory the “lynchpin” of civil rights enforcement, Perez simply could not allow the Court to rule. Perez sought leverage to stop the City from pressing its appeal. His search led him to David Lillehaug and then to Newell’s lawsuit against the City.Please take this as Long Form Complaint vs.DFL City St. Paul,Mayor Melvin Carter, Amy Brendmoen aka Mrs. Mike Hahn re RICO ACT iN THE MATTER OF MUSLIN KEITH ELELISON DOMESTIC ABUSE, TOM PEREZ Obstruction of Justice
tom Perez pic
"I Will Not Shut Up" Watch Lindsey Graham Is On FIRE Crushes Senate In Kavanaugh
May, 2004 Steinhauser, Meysembourg, Brisson file Federal Raketeering lawsuit
against the city of St. Paul. Court file #04-2632 JNE/SRN
June, 2004 City launches false criminal charges against Steinhauser. On the day of
Trial, the city of St. Paul moves to dismiss the charges. City inspectors
make the following note in the paperwork: “this is the property owner who
is part of a major lawsuit against us for harassment!!!”
June, 2004 City goes after Steinhauser witness Steve Johnson in Ramsey County
court with false Restraining Order. At trial the matter was dismissed
without Johnson producing a single witness, and the judge commentingthat there was no basis in law or fact for the relief sought by the city.
August, 2004 City goes after another Steinhauser witness named Bee Vue by using a
fraudulent mailing scheme to start a civil lawsuit for trumped up code
violations at 707 Preble.
March, 2005 Harrilal, Johnson, Vue file Federal Racketeering lawsuit against the City
St. Paul. Court file #05-461 JNE/SRN
July, 2005 Gallagher, Collins, Dadder’s Properties, Dadder’s Estates, Dadder’s
Enterprises, Dadder’s Holdings, Troy Allison file Federal Racketeering
Lawuist against the City of St. Paul. Court file #05-1348 JNE/SRN
December 21, 2005 Jeff & Sara Kubitschek join Federal Racketeering lawsuit
Court file #05-1348 JNE/SRN
April 25, 2006 Denise Simmons files “Notice of Claim” alleging several violations of
Federal law regarding her house on Sherburne. These notices are usually
the first step in filing a lawsuit.
June, 2006 Akinwale Akinropo files “Notice of Claim” on her property on Bates.
These notices are usually the first step in filing a lawsuit.
As of right now, the Plaintiffs and Defendants are taking Depositions and serving their
serving their “expert reports” on each other.
According to the “Pretrial Scheduling Order” the cases have to be ready for trial on
September 1, 2007.COUNT II TREASON
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)Treason - Wikipedia
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.comparable to Rachell Mitchell
referred to /dakota co. attorney James Backstrom,COUNT III 15usc Reducing Affiant to Poverty via Bogus Excessive Consumption
City of Saint Paul - File #: RES 18-1560Antitrust Violations. Violations of laws designed to protect trade and commerce from abusive practices such as price-fixing, restraints, price discrimination, and monopolization. The principal federal antitrust laws are the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 1-7) and the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 12-27).
File #: RES 18-1560 Version: 1 Name: Excessive/Inspection Service May 22 to June 20, 2018
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Approving the City’s cost of providing Excessive Use of Inspection or Abatement services billed during May 22 to June 20, 2018, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for November 6, 2018 and City Council public hearing for January 2, 2019 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1902E, Assessment No. 198301)
Sponsors: Amy Brendmoen
Attachments: 1. Report of Completion, 2. Assessment Roll
Date Name District Opinion Comment Action 10/3/2018 5:08 PM St.Paul Against***Legal_22.pd unconstitutional Without LongForm Complaint AntiTrust http://taxthemax.blogspot.comAmy Brendmoen aka Mrs. Mike Hahn is Muslin Keith Ellison Supporter,AnswerCross over 500K Guide yourselves Accordingly STALKING CANDIDATE VA WIDOW Mrs. Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella10:23:05 9/5/2018 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1902E Assmt: 198301 Manager: TJT Page 27
Ratification Date: Resolution #:
Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID
Sharon Lee Anderson
697 Surrey Av
St Paul MN 55106-5521
*Ward: 7
*Pending as of: 8/3/2018
Excessive Inspection 1.00 122.00 $122.00 32-29-22-41-0053
Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00
$157.00Legal Notice ObjectionLEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835: HEALTHCARE
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogsbd Blogger: Act of 1862| ScriDocument's are based on SEC filings,|