Too many Laws,Lawyers who misrepresent their Oath of Office, wilfully fail to address Parens Patrie Sharon Anderson Decades exposing Attorneys started with DFL Warran Spannus taking Affiants Daughter Vonessa Scarrella age 8 from the Loving Custoday of her Mother and Grandmother Bernice Peterson to John Scarrella his Mistress at the Time Joan Gloyd-Gooselaw now Scarrella, in the Murder of 10month baby Boy Henry Gooselaw Jr. Further Mike Hatch did a no on my Dad Wm O Peterson re Unfrair Taxes, which led to Dads Death.Currently the National DFL Chair Tom Perez complicit with City of Saint Paul - Government hiring outside Counsel David Lillhaug, complicit with City Attorney Sara Grewing Both GivinG Judgship-s as Bribes USSC10-1038 titled Magner vs. Gallagher Landlords Minnesota Housing primarily 4 Black unabated by State AG Lori Swanson.…/uploads/2013/04/DOJ-St-Paul.pdf Currently Sharon Anderson is duly Concerned that the DFL will have a Religious War Gays and Lesbians fighting Sharia Law re Candidates Matt Pelikan and Muslin Keith Ellison cc TRUMP TRAIN President Donald Trump Fan Club Peter Starken Mike HuckabeeMichael Volpe Marti Oakley Judy Martin Sam Grazzini-Rucki Dede Evavold