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Complainant Name, Address and Phone Numbers
Complainant 1:
Mrs. Sharon L Anderson
697 Surrey Ave
St.Paul, MN 55106
Home Phone: (651) 776-5835
Respondent Name, Address and Phone Number
Keith Ellison
1312 Broadwalk Ave
Mpls, MN 55411
Phone: (962) 529-6933
Additional Information
Relationship to Lawyer: Other
If you are someone other than the client, what is your connection to the lawyer?
. Perez agreed to commit the Department of Justice to declining
intervention in a False Claims Act qui tam complaint filed by whistleblower Fredrick Newell
against the City of St. Paul, as well as a second qui tam complaint pending against the City, in
exchange for the City’s commitment to withdraw its appeal in Magner v. Gallagher from the
Supreme Court,
an appeal involving the validity of disparate impact claims under the Fair
Housing Act. Perez sought, facilitated, and consummated this deal because he feared that the
Court would find disparate impact unsupported by the text of the Fair Housing Act.
Calling disparate impact theory the “lynchpin” of civil rights enforcement, Perez simply could not allow the Court to rule.
Perez sought leverage to stop the City from pressing its appeal. His search led< br />him to David Lillehaug and then to Newell’s lawsuit against the City.
Fredrick Newell, a minister and small-business owner in St. Paul, had spent almost a decade working to improve economic opportunities for low-income residents in his community.
In 2009, Newell filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that the City of St. Paul had received tens of millions of dollars of community development funds, including stimulus funding, by
improperly certifying its compliance with federal law.
By November 2011, Newell had spent
over two years discussing his case with career attorneys in the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota, and the Civil Fraud Section within the
Justice Department’s Civil Division.
These three entities, which had each invested a substantial
amount of time and resources into Newell’s case, regarded this as a strong case potentially worth
as much as $200 million for taxpayers and recommended that the federal government join the suit.
These career attorneys even went so far as to prepare a formal memorandum recommending intervention, calling St. Paul’s actions a “particularly egregious example of false certifications.”
All this work was for naught. In late November 2011, Lillehaug made Perez
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Documents submitted by mail must be received within 7 days to be considered part of the complaint. If this Office does not receive accompanying documents, your complaint may be considered based solely on the information contained in this complaint form.
Dated: 7/9/2018
Additional information and documents must be mailed to:
Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility
1500 Landmark Towers
345 St. Peter Street
St. Paul, MN 55102